NEW HTO PARTNER: Children’s Hour Philippines
We are very happy to announce, that “Children’s Hour” has decided to come alongside HTO, and be a funding partner for one year....
Summer Updates / Nouvelles d'été
As the out-of-school season has fully kicked in around mid-April, the children were prompted to participate in the local government’s...
Fresh beginnings at Holy Trinity Orphanage / De Nouveaux Commencements
To every season, along with the change of temperature and daylight hours, comes other changes. Summer at the Holy Trinity Orphanage (HTO)...
A la recherche de la soeur perdue
La ressemblance est frappante. Nous en rions, naturellement, afin de briser la glace. April, Katriz et Elmer viennent de la même famille....
In Search of the Lost Sibling
The resemblance is striking. Naturally we make jokes about it to break the ice. April, Katriz and Elmer come from the same family. Like...
Notre petit jardin d’Eden
Sandra pose fièrement devant l’objectif munie d’une gigantesque racine de ube, probablement déjà en train de s’imaginer la délicieuse...
Our Little Garden of Eden
Sandra poses proudly in front of the camera with the gigantic ube root, probably already imagining the delicious tart that will be made...
The symbolism of our logo
Our logo is inspired by the traditional canoe of Zamboanga, the vinta, with its colourful sails. Today vintas can be seen mostly during...
C'est bientôt la rentrée!
Nous sommes en train de préparer les enfants pour la rentrée scolaire du 1 juin. Le matériel scolaire obligatoire (matériel scolaire,...
Inauguration day!
A happy crowd of 40 people gathered on April 24 for the official inauguration : friends, neighbours, church people and representatives...